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About JP Jumpers Foundation


Our mission is to provide hands-on tangible assistance for the everyday challenges of the special needs community, families, and other charitable organizations.


JP JumPers Foundation was started by Pam Mines as an Autism Walk Team in 2007 honor of son JP, 7 months after he was diagnosed with Autism. He was only 2 years old.  JP JumPers started as a team of 6 and by 2012 grew to over 130.  During that time the JumPers raised over $11,000 for the Autism Society of Central VA. In 2010, the JP JumPers created an official logo and asked the community to not only “JumP In” for Autism Awareness but for other community/volunteer projects as well (i.e. Feeding the Homeless, Voter Registration Initiatives, Walks for Breast Cancer, Down Syndrome and Diabetes, Special Olympics Volunteers; etc.).  Because of all of the “JumPing In” that was happening, Pam decided to start her own non-profit so she could give back in her own way with no restrictions because of a national organizations rules.

General Information

JP JumPers Foundation started in January 1, 2013. The JP JumPers Foundation is "JumPing In" to Positively Impact Families Affected by Autism, Special Needs and Unique Circumstances.  JP JumPers Foundation (JPJF) has a diverse 17 person board of directors and they consider themselves to be the "Robin Hood" of charities.  Their goal is to raise money just to give it right back to the families in this community. We want to make sure that the special needs community is not overlooked and that their unique monetary needs and celebrations are understood, addressed and conquered. They are "JumPing In" to make a difference.


In the JP JumPers Foundation’s first year they:

• Spoke at the Nationwide Mid-Atlantic Offices (Columbia, MD;
   Richmond VA; Lynchburg VA) for Autism Awareness Month.

• Raised $841 worth of gift cards for families affected by
  special needs and unique circumstances.

• Started talking with Senator McEachin, Law Enforcement, DMV
  and others to establish “JP’s Law”.
• They submitted performers for RVA Has Talent (a local talent
   competition) and won 2nd and 3rd place.
• Sponsored a June and December Special Needs Worship
   services showcasing the talent of individuals with special
• Gave away gifts to 24 recipients of the JP JumPers Christmas
   Giving Tree
• Raised over $5,000.
"JumPing In" to Positively Impact Families Affected by Autism, Special Needs & Unique Circumstances


About JP Jumpers


JP Jumpers History

JP Jumpers 2009 Autism Walk Video

JP Jumpers 2010 Autism Walk Video


JP Jumpers 2011 Autism Walk Video






Click on the flyer above to purchase tickets to see Jason Baxter live in concert. There is a small convenience fee of $0.59 per ticket purchased online.



JP Jumpers Foundation